on October 26 | in All, Inspiration | by Doriane Mouret
“Man is a Social Animal” said Plato. Human-beings can’t live alone, they need interaction to survive. What they become is influenced by their social environment and all the interactions they have with other men and women. I am probably one of the best examples of this statement as I can’t remain without the presence of another human-being more than 12 hours in a row. I guess I’m not alone.
“Great minds” will be a place for me to talk about all the people who had an impact, small or big, in my life. Once every month, maybe more often if I find the time, I will publish an article highlighting one of those incredible individuals who took part in building the person I am today. They taught me how to be better, they pushed me, they challenged me, they made me stronger, angry, happy or sad. They could be my closest friends, or maybe I never met them. But above all, they helped me think out of the box, accept that my truth was not universal. And this is the reason why this website is born: from a strong desire to always get out of my box, my comfort, improve myself, and help others get better and get out of their boxes too.
Because it’s the exciting part of life! Discovering what hasn’t been discovered yet, getting to know the unknown, experiencing the inexperienced, and hearing opinions that are miles away from our individual values and beliefs. Great minds don’t always think alike, and therein lies beauty.
I would like to start this blog series by thanking Josh Villbrandt who bought my domain two years ago and has been patiently waiting for me to start building the site since then. He is also the one who hosts it. I will dedicate an entire article giving more details about him later, but I had to at least say thank you in my first article. This wouldn’t have been possible without you, Josh! Thanks!
So stay tuned! Perhaps the next article will be about you!
» All, Inspiration » Great Minds Don’t Think Alike